In The News


Looking for an entire weekend of fun and competitive hockey against some new competition? Registration is now open for the 2025 MSE Cup Spring Adult Tournament, coming to Big Boy Arena in Fraser Friday through Sunday, April 11-13!

We're billing this special event as a State Championship, inviting teams from all six of our fall/winter arenas — Fraser, Mount Clemens, Trenton, Southgate, Taylor and Farmington Hills — as well as outstate and non-MSE teams. All will compete for the right to hoist the "MSE Cup."

Multiple skill levels are being offered, from novice to elite, and the cost is just $895 for a three-game guarantee plus a championship final game on Sunday for qualifying teams. In addition to the MSE Cup team trophy and a permanent spot on the MSE Champions page on our website, special championship T-shirts will be awarded to all members of the winning squads.

All teams can access our easy and convenient online registration with Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express here. Copies of the brochure/registration form will also be available at Big Boy Arena and can be downloaded off our homepage.

This should be a great event — a weekend of great hockey, at a great price, with a showcase trophy and big-time bragging rights to the victors. Sign up now! Any questions about the Tournament, just contact us at


We still have room for both teams and individuals in all of our three new Winter/Spring Leagues at Trenton, Fraser and Southgate!

If you have a team or if you're looking for one, contact us ASAP at Brochures, with complete information, are available for easy downloading off our homepage, and can also be found at all three host arenas.

We hope to see you soon in the new season!


Interested in one of our 2025 Winter/Spring Adult Hockey Schools? There's still time to join the fun!

Mount Clemens Ice Arena and Trenton's Kennedy Recreation Center are hosting our next two Schools, and late registration is now open.

The Mt. Clemens School runs on Monday evenings, while the Trenton School will run on Thursdays. Each program runs for 10 weeks and is specifically tailored for men and women 18 and up with beginner, novice or intermediate skills. Start times and more information are available in the brochures available on our home page and at both host arenas.

Participants in the beginner program will learn the fundamentals of the game, while intermediates will have an opportunity to further develop their skills with the assistance of our experienced and knowledgeable hockey instructors. Each class begins with the 30-minute off-ice session and all participants will have the option of being placed on a team at the conclusion of the Schools in April.

Best of all, the price for all 10 classes — including ten 1-1/2 hour on-ice sessions, ten 30-minute off-ice sessions and practice jersey — is a serious bargain at just $225. Those joining late will of course receive a prorated discount for any sessions they've missed.

You can register online for the 2025 Winter/Spring Adult Hockey Schools with any major credit card here or download the brochure off our homepage. You can also e-mail us with any questions you have about the program at any time at


Three days of intense hockey action yielded two champions in the 2024 MSE Cup Spring Tournament, as PHT and The Network took the top honors.

Held Friday through Sunday, April 5-7, at Fraser's Big Boy Arena, the tournament featured 18 hard-fought preliminary games on Friday and Saturday to shrink the field to just two teams in Silver and four in Bronze.

In the showdown match on Sunday, PHT (Mt. Clemens) downed Busch Snipers (Fraser), 5-1, to take the Silver Division Cup. Meanwhile, in the Bronze semis, Marlboro Reds (Port Huron) downed Premature Shooters (Trenton), 8-2, and The Network (Mt. Clemens) edged El Burro Loco (Mt. Clemens), 3-1. When the final horn sounded in the Finals, The Network had captured the Bronze Division Cup by besting Marlboro Reds, 5-3.

For complete Tournament results, visit the MSE Standings page here. Congrats to all the champs, finalists and semifinalists, and thanks to all the teams for providing a weekend of fun, hard-fought hockey at the MSE 2024 Spring Tournament!

PHT The Network
The 2024 MSE Cup Spring Tournament Champions, Silver Division — PHT. The 2024 MSE Cup Spring Tournament Champions, Bronze Division — The Network.


It's always a good time to review some routine precautions all teams should follow when using the dressing facilities:

  1. Lock the Room When You Leave It!
    That's especially true when the dressing rooms are not visible from the ice surface — but it ALSO applies to arenas where the dressing rooms ARE visible from the ice. During the game, all eyes are focused on the action on the ice, not the dressing room doors. Thieves have been known to enter dressing rooms in full view of the players and spectators — and get away with it. And, remember that arena dressing rooms typically share a shower/lavatory facility with an adjoining dressing room. So, be sure to deny thieves the "back-door" access to your dressing room by securing the shower room door as well.
  2. Don't Carry Large Amounts of Cash!
    A full wallet is an open invitation to a thief. Players should carry a driver's license (in case there's a roster check) and enough money to pay for their ice — period. Large ice payments, of course, are best handled by a check or money order, and it's always wise to make any payment BEFORE the game — rather than leave a room full of cash when a team takes the ice. And treat your credit cards the same way you would a large amount of cash — leave them at home.
  3. Don't Force Open the Doors!
    If you find yourself unable to enter the dressing room, seek out a rink employee or someone from MSE. Don't try to force the door open! Not only will your team be responsible for the cost of repairing the door (which isn't cheap), a broken door is an inviting opportunity for a thief later on.
  4. Return Your Keys!
    We know it's a hassle to leave your car/house keys when picking up a dressing room key — but there's a reason almost all arenas do it. Having extra dressing room keys leave the building is an obvious security breach and an invitation to trouble. Remember to always return your key as you leave the arena.

Following these simple procedures should help to keep the dressing rooms secure and minimize the risk of anyone becoming victimized by a thief.


Now more than a quarter century old and faster and more functional than ever, the Michigan Sports Enterprises website continues to be "the" adult hockey online resource in Metro Detroit. Since it went live in April 1998, has logged more than 42 million total hits, including an all-time record of more than 900,000 in March 2024!

MSE was the first adult hockey program in Michigan to provide its teams and players with online access to scores, standings, schedules, etc., and while the regular maintenance and updates aren't easy or inexpensive, has more than proven its worth to our teams over the years.

Remember, your team can become a part of our website for just $99 a year — that works out to about 27 cents a day and less than $2 a week. For that small expense, we'll link any team site to our "TEAM" page and give any one team sponsor a link to our "SPONSOR" page as well. If your team or your sponsor are interested in this great and inexpensive opportunity to get some added exposure, just drop us an e-mail at

Michigan Sports Enterprises, Inc.

34400 Utica Road, Fraser, MI 48026
200 N. Groesbeck Highway, Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
3101 West Road, Trenton, MI 48183
14700 Reaume Parkway, Southgate, MI 48195
13333 Telegraph Road, Taylor, MI 48180
35500 Eight Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48335
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